That's right. Technically, anyway. I am babysitting a little boy that is Glaiden's age today and both of them are asleep with Jessah peacefully watching the Disney Channel. My house is clean... I mean C.L.E.A.N. Not to brag (too much) but I had it done by 11:30. When I fed them lunch. Before A.J. had to be to school. Not after school... yes, they usually get lunch at 2:30-3:00. I know, I suck. But not today!!! I have done dishes, swept, mopped, vacuumed, made beds AND folded laundry. I may be sick, but I'll take it. This is all after yesterday when I went into the office/soon to be nursery and went through all of our baby stuff to do away (donate, toss, and hand down) all of the boy clothes, shoes and coats that don't fit Glaiden. I also cleaned out our bathroom cupboard. (I call it a pantry because there are 3 big shelves, and 4 drawers) I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but to give you an idea of the crap that was in there, I now have 1 empty shelf and 3 empty drawers. It was a challenge. I am on a roll! (I am only bragging because it might last for another day or two, and then it won't happen again. Probably ever.) I have to record this monumental occasion to prove that sometimes, I make an awesome stay-at-home mom. :)
One other feel-good thing: AJ has finally completed his fluency folder at school and is starting on books. A lot of other kids have started on books before he did, but he also was folder-less for 2 weeks because it got lost. So he is right on track...ish. When his teacher tested him to see what books he needs to be bringing home, she told me she had to give him the AR test (accelerated reading). Today, he is bringing home a THIRD GRADE level book! Ahh!!! I'm so proud of him! Can I also ask if any of you other parents are intimidated by your kids? I mean, if he is that advanced now.... what am I in for in the future? Whoa.
Jessah is doing really well in preschool too. She loves her teachers. So do I. One of her teachers used to be our neighbor (behind us) and it's really nice to still be in touch with her. Jessah loves telling me what she has learned about each day. She's so sweet.
Glaiden... yikes. For those of you soon-to-be-first-time-moms. I'm going to let you in on a secret. Everyone tries to warn you about the Terrible Two's. Ha! It's a myth! It doesn't exist! Until about 6-12 months later. Threes are bad. And Glaiden is just getting started. He corrects David constantly. Half of the time, we don't know what it is exactly that he's correcting, but, let it be known... Glaiden is right! He is such a smart kid and talks all. of. the. time. Its hard to get him to stop. He also loves to sing. Sometimes its the ABC's or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Other times it's Lady Antebellum's I Need You Now, or (I owe this to my 9 year old sister) Sir Mix A Lot's I Like Big Butts. He doesn't know much of that one. (THANK HEAVEN!) But he sings it like this, "I like big butts....'ninolie" (aka, and I no lie... just one word instead of four). It's kind of funny actually.
In other news.... not much. Working. A little. Hopefully I will be busier this summer to help with maternity leave, but we'll see. I need to seriously figure something out though. Our neighbors (not the ones behind us, but next door) offically moved out of their house on Saturday. I wasn't the best neighbor but we're really going to miss them. We miss both of our neighbors, but hopefully we'll be able to stay in touch. When I first moved in with David we were all pregnant right around the same time. (all within the year anyway) This time, we're all pregnant and due within 3 months of eachother! That makes them not living close, a little more sad. But they are all doing really well and we really, really wish them the absolute best!
Ok, that was my first, non-baby post in a long time. Hopefully there will be more to come, but you (I) never know. It comes in spurts. :)
Oh, P.S.
Can all of you do me a favor and THINK SPRING! Maybe, sometime, eventually, before Christmas, it will warm up a little!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
So here's the update! We (and when I say we, I really mean that my friend/boss easily convinced my husband at dinner one night and I was suckered into it because it was David's birthday thing-a-ma-jig) decided to have David's birthday party the Saturday after his birthday and have, what some may call, a "Gender Cake" for the birthday cake. What's a gender cake you ask? I'll tell you. When you go into your ultrasound appointment you tell the technician that you do not want to know what the gender of the baby is... that day anyway. (WAY harder to do, and you can only do this with, what I found was, incredible willpower) You tell the tech that, instead of telling you, you want him/her to write it down on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope, along with any pictures that might give away the gender. Then you take said envelope to a local bakery and explain to them that you want a cake made to reveal the gender of your baby - pink or blue - but frosted as a regular cake (in our case a birthday cake that said "Happy Birthday David") You throw a party with your family and closest friends (if i were you, I'd skip the dinner part. If you don't, time definitely d r a g s) and when you cut the cake, it's either pink or blue! Its really a blast to have your favorite people around and all find out together! Extremely hard to wait the extra couple of days though... I was anxious!!! Oh, to the good part.We cut the cake, and.............................
!!!!! IT'S A GIRL !!!!!
To be fair, I did have an incredible feeling that I had a little girl in my belly. I know that it's just a feeling. But, with 3 kids - I hadn't been wrong about those feelings yet. Not everyone has those inklings, but I am one of the lucky ones I guess. We are so excited. Jessah was almost in tears because she was so happy. SO SO SO SO happy! It was the sweetest thing to see.
I've been feeling much better too. Except for the exhaustion. I keep saying that I don't remember being this tired with my other pregnancies, only to realize that that's probably because I didn't have 3 other kids I was chasing around and taking to school. I am so tired all of the time, and working evenings isn't helping much. I love my job, but I'm freaking beat!
Oh yeah, the due date is August 29th. Perfect since it is about a week before A.J.'s birthday and a little over a month from when we are going to Yellowstone this summer! Ha ha! The worst part is that it's the exact week that school starts and, because A.J. will be in first grade and Jessah in Kindergarten, someone has to be at the elementary school 3 times a day. Ugh. Time to call in reinforcements!!!!! :)
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