About Us

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David and I were married in December of 2009. We live in Logan, Utah and we LOVE it! We have FIVE kids; A.J., Jessah, Glaiden, Raelynn and Kenadie!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Short 'N Sweet

I thought I'd post a really short update... it's about time anyway.

A.J. has been in his preschool now for almost 3 weeks and still gets so excited when I wake him up in the morning. He loves learning and is so eager to share what's new at school. The first week of school he learned the days of the week and the months of the year. They've also already started on reading. Every week about 8 flash cards are sent home as homework. Not letters though, they are pictures from the story they read. (The Mystery Book - its the reading program and they use this book the entire year) Each picture represents a sound, not a letter, and eventually by the end of the year, the picture is weened out of the flash cards and replaced with a letter....
Anyway, we go over these flashcards once a night and let me tell you this kid has a memory like an elephant - he never forgets. I can just tell him what the picture is and he knows the sound like it's something we've done for a year already. He's so willing to learn and I hope he stays that way. :)

Glaiden is walking - kind of. He can take quite a few steps on his own, but is just not quite brave enough to go any further than that. Well, either that or its just faster to crawl. Either way, he'll be running around with his big brother and big sister very soon... Heaven help us!
He will be one next month! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. We're planning on a family party and of course his own cake. We're also planning on getting him blessed (Yes, we definately dropped the ball on this one, but we're getting it done!) the same morning of the party so everyone can just make one trip.

Not too much is new with the princess of the house. Jessah loves having time with just her baby brother 3 days a week. I think she feels left out when A.J. is home and playing with Glaiden... she just kind of sits on the side lines. It's been really good for her to get some alone time with Glaiden.

As for me and David... We're doing great. We got some time to ourselves last week and went to Lagoon for ICON's Lagoon Day. They closed down the park for the company and their families and fed us a good dinner. It was so much fun and so nice to get out. Our friend Krystal kept the kids overnight for us and we are SO grateful to her.

So there's a little update on us. :)

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